How Coffee Impacts Guatemalan Culture
It would be an understatement to say that extraordinarily delicious coffee comes from Guatemala. Anyone familiar with specialty coffee knows Guatemala is a powerhouse for pumping high-quality coffee. This, in part, is due to the country’s rich volcanic soil that has permeated the earth, high elevation, and climate. Guatemala’s geological makeup is perfect for growing fantastic coffee. But how does coffee impact Guatemala’s culture? In this blog, we’ll discuss how this diverse country thrives economically and socially through coffee production.
The History of Guatemalan Coffee
At one time, Guatemala was exclusively a coffee-exporting country. Now, its coffee scene and culture have exploded. Coffee farm tours and cuppings/coffee tastings are great ways to experience the Guatemalan coffee culture in person. The coffee shop scene has grown tremendously, and much of this is because of the prominence of specialty coffee growth.
The humble beginnings of Guatemalan coffee production drawbacks begin in the 1850s. As time passed, understanding of the coffee plant and how to grow it improved while technology was simultaneously developing. In no time, coffee production surged. Today, the role of coffee within Guatemala’s culture is exponentially important. Guatemalan coffee is more than just a community staple; it is the backbone of Guatemala’s economy.
Guatemala’s Coffee Culture
The production and processing of coffee directly impact Guatemala’s coffee culture. Like many coffee-growing countries, coffee farming supports hundreds of families and their livelihoods. As the coffee industry has grown, Guatemalan farmers have organized and formed a central body to help regulate Guatemalan coffee production. This union that has materialized is known as the Asociacion Nacional del Café or ‘Anacafé.’ This is the National Coffee Association of Guatemala. From an individual level, farmers are committed to ensuring that their work creates excellent coffee and a sustainable future.
The impact coffee has made on Guatemala in modernity speaks for itself. Culturally, coffee is a symbol of identity for Guatemala, representing over 125,000 families of coffee growers nationwide. Farming innovation, technology improvement, and inventive methods for growing and processing coffee lead the show within the global industry of coffee farming. Alongside the Guatemalan coffee industry regulation through Anacafé, farmers understand the importance of quality with the practices from cultivation to harvest to processing.
Read more about coffee culture in Columbia, Ethiopia, and more!
Baba Java’s Partners in Guatemala
At Baba Java, we are proud to have a direct partnership and relationship with Samuel Coto and his family. Through their commitment to working with exceptional farmers, Samuel’s family brings incredible coffees from seeds to the cup you drink in Birmingham. The relational aspect of coffee speaks volumes from Guatemala. Not only are they committed to growing and processing excellent coffee, but they’re also committed to their community. This is one of the many reasons we’re so proud to partner with the Coto family!
Tune into an episode of our CoffeeU podcast to learn more about our commitment to excellence, from farm to cup!
Have a Sip of Guatemala Today!
Intentionality and attention to detail make coffee from this beautiful country worth trying. From the fertile volcanic soil and the steady rainfall to the fantastic producers that work tirelessly to continue making waves in specialty coffee production—Guatemala is a force to be reckoned with in our industry. Coffee-growing countries must do their best to keep up with Guatemala’s innovation and outstanding coffee quality. Always remember that in every cup of coffee you drink, there is a family behind it. Try our Coffee Variety box to discover your favorite origin.
So, drink farm to cup!
Try our delicious coffee from Guatemala today! You won’t be disappointed.