How Coffee Impacts Yemen Culture
Demand for specialty coffee has revitalized the farming practices in Yemen. For many families in Yemen, coffee is central to their livelihood and culture.
Demand for specialty coffee has revitalized the farming practices in Yemen. For many families in Yemen, coffee is central to their livelihood and culture.
Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee. Not only is coffee an integral aspect of their culture, but they are also famous for the Ethiopian coffee ceremony.
Sharing trade secrets on how to create beautiful latte art. Whether you’re an aspiring barista or home brewer, you can create Instagram worthy designs.
Each month, we have an Origin of the Month to highlight the communities and farmers that contribute to our many coffees. Knowing the hard work and cultivation that is poured into every origin we roast will make your coffee experience even better.
The global impact of excellent specialty coffee is huge. That’s why we think it is so special when different cultures and their coffees come together in one harmonious, delicious blend. Much like the upcoming multi-sport event: the World Games!
Coffee consumption is rising all across China and expanding beyond its borders. The rich tea culture of China prepared the country for a budding coffee culture, and there’s much to be discovered and tasted!
Some people believe that home brewing is too much of a hassle or inevitably leads to lower quality coffee. But that doesn’t have to be true!
Who can say no to a good cup of Brazilian coffee? With its delicious nutty-tasting notes and warm flavor profile, it has quickly become an irreplaceable addition to our lineup. However, to know and love coffee is to know and love the countries that grow it. It is true that Brazil would not be Brazil without its coffee, and we would surely be at a loss without it.
If you have the same black coffee, out of the same old coffee pot, in the same mug every day, it’s easy to lose the magic and excitement that coffee used to hold. But the good news is, your coffee options are endless! If you feel like you’re in a coffee-rut, or are just interested in trying something different to ring in the new year, here are some tips to get you started.
You’ve probably seen several coffee blends on your supermarket shelves such as “House Blend,” “Breakfast Blend,” or a seasonal favorite, the “Holiday Blend.” For many years, coffee blending had a negative connotation, as it was a way for coffee roasters to sneak lower quality beans in amongst better coffee to help keep costs down or get rid of excess coffee. But coffee blends are more than that. They’re a wonderful opportunity to take different origins and make a whole new coffee experience. This blog is going to be looking at the process we undertake when creating a new blend.
If giving really is better than receiving, then getting the title of “best gift giver” is unmatched. It can be a daunting task to find the right gift for everyone, so we’ve done the work for you with this Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for your favorite coffee lovers.
“I like my coffee strong and dark. The darker, the stronger, the darker, the better!” This is something hear often, as the words dark and strong are synonymous for coffee drinkers. Is this true? Read more about this myth about dark coffee!